Researcher, Educator, and Advisor to Business Owners and Boards
Conference Presentations
“The Firm as a Nexus of Promises”, paper presented at EURAM, Rome, May 2010 (with P.-Y. Gomez)
“Corporate Governance and Society”, Subtrack in Corporate Governance at EURAM, Rome, May 2010 (Subtrack Co-Chair and Paper Presentation)
The Case of Renault and Nissan”, paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Honolulu, August 2005 (With K. Asakawa, P.-Y. Gomez).
“Democracy in Corporatia: Implications for Management Consulting”, paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, August 2003 (With P.-Y. Gomez).
“Partnering with the Unfamiliar: Lessons from the Case of Renault and Nissan”, paper presented at the Strategic Management Society Meeting, San Francisco, November 2001 (Joint with K. Asakawa).
“Generating Trust between Unacquainted Organizations: A Case Study of the Renault/Nissan Alliance Formation Process”, paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, August 2001 (With P.-Y. Gomez, O. Masclef).
“Beyond the Transnational: An argument for unbalanced growth”, Academy of Int’l Business Meeting, Phoenix, November 2000 (With J.Birkinshaw, J. Stopford).
“Managing Growth”, BPS/OT Symposium at the Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, August 1999(Symposium Co-Chair and Paper Presentation).
“High-speed internationalization: Leveraging socially embedded relationships”, paper presented at the Strategic Management Society Meeting, Orlando, November 1998 (Joint with B. Reichardt).
“Global teamwork in the multinational: Bridging research to practice”, paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, San Diego, August 1998 (Joint with W.C. Kim and S. Rangan).
“Diversification of the Baby Bells: Towards a dynamic perspective on diversity”, paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Las Vegas, August 1992 (Joint with P. Haspeslagh and G. Szulanski).
“Interunit communication within MNCs: Influence of formal structure versus transnational networking”, paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Miami, August 1991 (Joint with S. Ghoshal and G. Szulanski).